
Yo-Sea is a singer-songwriter from Chatan, Okinawa. He made his debut in 2018 with his first single, I think she is. That same year, he was featured as Apple Music's "New Artist of the Week," followed by recognition as a "Spotify Early Noise Artist 2019" and being listed among HYPEBEAST's "10 Under 25 Artists to Watch in 2020." Highly regarded by fellow artists, Yo-Sea has collaborated on works with notable names such as IO, 5lack, STUTS, Miliyah Kato, and Kalassy Nikoff (AK-69).
In 2023, his debut album Sea of Love gained widespread attention, with the track “Moonlight” becoming a viral hit, transcending generations and resonating with a broad audience. Known for his exceptional melodic sensibility and relatable lyrics, Yo-Sea has solidified a unique position in the music scene.
In March this year, he performed at the inaugural Tiny Desk Concerts Japan, joining Fujii Kaze’s band as a backing vocalist, further showcasing his versatile talents and expanding his reach in the industry.

沖縄・北谷出身のシンガー/ ソングライター。2018 年ファースト・シングル「I think she is」でデビュー。同年 Apple Music「今週の New Artist」、 2019 年「 Spotify Early Noise Artist 2019」、2020 年 HYPEBEAST「2020 年に注目すべきアンダー25 のアーティスト10 組」に選出。アーティストからの信頼も厚く、IO、5lack、STUTS、加藤ミリヤ、Kalassy Nikoff(AK-69) などの作品にも客演で参加。
2023 年リリースのファースト・アルバム"Sea of Love" 収録の"Moonlight" では世代を超え、幅広い層に受け入れられバイラルヒットを記録。圧倒的なメロディセンスと等身大のリリックでその才能を知らしめ、シーンに置いて独自のポジションを確立している。
今年3月には記念すべき第1回目となるtiny desk concerts JAPANに出演して藤井風のバンドメンバーとしてコーラスを務め、幅広い活躍を続けている。



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